Case Study 1: Preliminary Environmental Risk Screening (PERS) in Estate Management.

Case Study 1: Preliminary Environmental Risk Screening (PERS) in Estate Management.
Network Rail Property Directorate has established that a strategic approach could drive down significant unplanned liabilities caused by waste tipping and poor operational management by tenants.

In some instances, remediation could run into millions. To address this the client commissioned Groundsure to develop a system which could identify sites at most risk from a variety of issues.

This has been used to help prioritise and focus asset managers time and set appropriate management regimes depending upon the anticipated risk.

Using our in house datasets, we created an algorithm and data extraction system to aid the prioritisation of risky sites. Risks included potential conditions to attract Part 2A concerns, waste and exemption sites and other operational risks. This was bespoke to the client’s risk profile and included data from the asset managers to give valuable site knowledge to the screening.

When applied to large numbers of sites the system is quick and efficient and can give an at a glance overview of where concerns lie. 

The process is being used to provide a structured and proactive approach to site management. The benefits include raising awareness of environmental issues relating to waste, as well as other environmental impacts, with a view to reducing the number of unplanned incidents. We also identified training needs and new management measures which could be implemented. 

This in turn has resulted in a review of how tenancies are formed and the development of additional management measures to avoid problems arising. The process will deliver a reduction in reactive management with the financial benefits that brings, as well as reputational benefits with tenants, regulators and the wider public. If you would be interested in finding out more about this please contact us at

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Jun 9, 2020

Ceri Sansom