Preliminary Environmental Risk Screening (PERS) for Large Asset Portfolios
We have developed a bespoke screening tool for large portfolios and can be adapted to suit a client’s risk criteria. It has been used in a range of scenarios and has been used for data extraction to allow others to make a fact based judgement on high risk sites either for transaction or development. Alternatively, we can use its in house algorithms to help make that judgement.
Algorithms can be for standard scenarios, such as potential risk from historical contamination or current operations, alternatively we have tailored algorithms to a client’s preferred risk profile. This allows more detailed assessment on the sites considered to be at more risk providing reassurance that the greatest risks are identified.
PERS has also been used to include bespoke site specific data in order to manage portfolios of brownfield sites and identify suitable management regimes appropriate to the risk anticipated at the sites.
As this is a bespoke service please contact us to discuss your requirements.