Groundsure’s National Brownfield Risk Model (NBRM)

The National Brownfield Risk Model (NBRM) formerly known as our Historical Land Use Database (HLUD) is a tool that Groundsure has developed and used for many years and underpins the expansive contaminated land assessment of all our environmental search reports – on each individual property.

  • Developed and refined over 20 years of reporting
  • Utilises our comprehensive proprietary data and third party datasets 
  • Includes over 7000+ land use classifications
  • Each land use has been expertly risk ranked 
  • The data is combined with our expert knowledge, additional information from millions of transactions and other unique sources
  • NBRM accurately assesses the possible contamination risks posed to each individual property
  • The model assesses data, plans and maps going back to the 1840s including our own land use classifications but also incorporates third party datasets such as waste and landfill sites, permits, incidents and registers.

Groundsure’s National Mining and Stability Risk Model (NMSRM)

The National Mining and Stability Model (NMSRM) is a tool that Groundsure has developed and used for many years within its mining and stability reports.

The model has been developed and refined over 40 years of reporting and investigating mining related risk. The model now includes even more proprietary and third party data to ensure a comprehensive assessment is provided for each individual property. Each mining feature and data point has been expertly risk ranked. This combined with our expert knowledge, investigation reports and additional information from thousands of transactions allows us to accurately assess the mining and stability risk posed to each individual property.